Due to the coronavirus, many people are now working from home. Not only that, but they are quarantined with their significant others, so they have to both work from home while sharing space with the other person the entire time. Read on for tips about how to get along while working from home with your significant other. For example, you can trade off household duties, and you should make sure you know what your partner needs to work effectively.
Key Takeaways:
- Couples should learn how their partners operate in the workplace and maintain respect for each other as colleagues.
- Couples should remember to take breaks when needed and to delineate home and childcare tasks appropriately.
- Couples should try using each other as sounding boards for ideas and should keep each other’s morale up.
“Now, for the last 6 weeks I’ve been home alone with Zaza, so I’ve been able to work on my own, without interruptions ( mostly ).”
Read more: https://www.theskinnyconfidential.com/working-from-home-tips/
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